Television Networks Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 – Variety

By Selome Hailu,

Sep 3, 2021 4:41pm PT

Library of Congress/Carol M. Highsmith–Variety-e170a73/a-a1ptln

2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The nation has continued to process the terrorist event over the past two decades in many ways, including through television specials, documentaries and dramatized retellings.

On and before the anniversary, networks will air content unpacking the politics of the event, commemorating the victims, speaking with the survivors and more. Read a full list of 9/11 programming below. (More programming will be added to the list as networks announce titles.)

Twin Towers, Photo by Thomas Svensson on

Editor’s Note: Highly recommended, “9/11: One Day in America” (National Geographic and Hulu, currently streaming)

Source: Television Networks Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 – Variety