10 More Crime Movies You Forgot Take Place During Christmas | CrimeReads

Folks, there are so, so many crime movies that take place at Christmas. Some are “about” crime during Christmas, like Home Alone or Bad Santa or The Ref, while some others’ interaction with “Christmas movie” themes are somewhat debatable, as in the notable cases of Die Hard and Lethal Weapon.

via 10 More Crime Movies You Forgot Take Place During Christmas | CrimeReads

The Paris Review Staff’s Favorite Books of 2019

At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, 2019 felt like the year when civilization teetered definitively toward collapse. Notre Dame burned down, authoritarian governments shut off the internet, a child sailed across the ocean to tell us we were destroying the planet—all of which, of course, is not to mention our own president or what’s happening in England.

via The Paris Review Staff’s Favorite Books of 2019

How Trump’s impeachment stacks up, in four charts

By Zachary B. Wolf and Curt Merrill, CNN
Updated 9:08 PM ET, Wed December 18, 2019

“The bad news for Trump is that the party of every President who faced impeachment lost the next presidential election.”


Fact check: Trump’s wild anti-impeachment letter to Pelosi is filled with false and misleading claims – CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)It was on White House letterhead. It read like a string of President Donald Trump’s tweets.
And it was just as dishonest.
On Tuesday afternoon, Trump released a six-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in which — employing his distinctive vocabulary and punctuation — he blasted Democrats’ push to impeach him, defended his dealings with Ukraine and touted his accomplishments in office.
Like much of his previous rhetoric about Ukraine and impeachment, much of the letter was false or misleading.

Trump repeated multiple false claims that have been debunked on numerous occasions. He also delivered some new claims that were false, misleading or lacking in context.

We’re not finished going through all of Trump’s claims in his letter, but here are some early fact checks.

via Fact check: Trump’s wild anti-impeachment letter to Pelosi is filled with false and misleading claims – CNNPolitics