Tag Archives: Buying

Enjoy Digital Ownership And Public Libraries While You Still Can | Techdirt

from the you’ll-miss-them-when-they’re-gone dept

Wed, Jun 29th 2022 07:29pm – By Glyn Moody

unrecognizable female audiobook narrator recording audiobook
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Michael E. Karpeles, Program Lead on OpenLibrary.org at the Internet Archive, spotted an interesting blog post by Michael Kozlowski, the editor-in-chief of Good e-Reader. It concerns Amazon and its audiobook division, Audible:

Amazon owned Audible ceased selling individual audiobooks through their Android app from Google Play a couple of weeks ago. This will prevent anyone from buying audio titles individually. However, Audible still sells subscriptions through the app (…)

Karpeles points out that this is yet another straw in the wind indicating that the ownership of digital goods is being replaced with a rental model. He wrote a post last year exploring the broader implications, using Netflix as an example:

What content landlords like Netflix are trying to do now is eliminate our “purchase” option entirely. Without it, renting become the only option and they are thus free to arbitrarily hike up rental fees, which we have to pay over and over again without us getting any of these aforementioned rights and freedoms. It’s a classic example of getting less for more.

Source: Enjoy Digital Ownership And Public Libraries While You Still Can | Techdirt