Climate emergency: The new science showing it’s make-or-break time | New Scientist

As climate talks ramp up ahead of the crucial COP26 meeting in Glasgow, new research on what our carbon emissions are doing to the planet paints a disturbing picture

Environment, 21 April 2021, By Michael Le Page

Pete Reynolds

SHALL we start with the good news or the bad news? The good news is that the world has made some progress in cutting the carbon emissions driving climate change.

The bad news is that it is by no means enough, and emerging research suggests that the impact of the emissions we are pumping into the atmosphere could be even greater than we feared.

“The science, if anything, has become more pessimistic,” says Stefan Rahmstorf, a climate scientist at the University of Potsdam, Germany. “The signs from the science are pointing towards more urgent climate action being needed.”

Source: Climate emergency: The new science showing it’s make-or-break time | New Scientist