Category Archives: Times They Are A-Changing

Times They Are A-Changing

5,000 Planets :)

5,000 Planets, StarDate: August 28, 2023

[NASA/JPL/Caltech][AUDIO: exoplanet sonification]
Astronomers have discovered more than 5,000 planets in other star systems, most of them found by the Kepler space telescope. This graphic provides an overview of the types of worlds discoverd so far. [NASA/JPL/Caltech]

Astronomers have discovered more than 5,000 planets in other star systems, most of them found by the Kepler space telescope. This graphic provides an overview of the types of worlds discovered so far.

That sound represents the first confirmed exoplanets — planets that orbit stars other than the Sun. At the end of 1992, only two such planets were known — orbiting the dead heart of an exploded star.

The first planets orbiting a star similar to the Sun were announced in 1995. By last spring, the number had passed 5,000, with thousands more possible planets awaiting confirmation. NASA put together an audio track as a timeline of all the discoveries. Each note represents a confirmed planet, with the pitch representing the planet’s distance from its star.

5,000 Planets | StarDate Online
