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12 ways to make your retirement better for the planet – MarketWatch

From where you live to how you spend, small things can make a difference.

By Steve Vernon and Harry Moody, July 1, 2022, Updated July 2, 2022

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Today’s preretirees and retirees face several financial challenges in addition to concerns about the world we leave our children and grandchildren, as described in the first part of this series.

To face these challenges, we’ll need to make many small, medium, and large steps in our lives that will improve our finances while helping to improve our communities and future generations as well.

With this spirit in mind, let’s look at a dozen win-win strategies and tips for saving money during our retirement years while helping to leave a better planet for our grandchildren at the same time.

Read: Climate change is a retirement issue — how to turn worry into action

Editor’s Note: Read more, see link below for original item…

Source: 12 ways to make your retirement better for the planet – MarketWatch