Tag Archives: Lifelong learning

Older Students Learn for the Sake of Learning – The New York Times

d and semi-retired students at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Credit Chad Bartlett for The New York Times
d and semi-retired students at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Credit Chad Bartlett for The New York Times

JOSH AND SUSAN FRIED attend classes three days a week but they never receive any grades or cram for midterms or finals. They are not trying to earn an additional degree or retrain for a new career.Both are 68; they just want to learn with other like-minded adults.Dr. Fried retired from his dental practice eight years ago and moved with his wife, Susan, a former English teacher, to Rockville, Md., from New York, to be closer to their son, daughter-in-law and grandchild (they now have two, ages 8 and 11). At the same time, they wanted to expand their life in retirement beyond family.

Source: Older Students Learn for the Sake of Learning – The New York Times