BREAKING IN: Elementary, My Dear Screenwriter- 7 Things You Can Learn from “Sherlock” – Script Magazine

As a lifelong Sherlock Holmes buff, I thought I’d hate the BBC TV series, Sherlock, which is based on the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories but is updated to 21st century London. I was wrong. How wrong was I? About as wrong as Ptolemy was when he said that Earth– not the Sun– is the center of the universe. The show is magnificent, and revolves around the brilliant light of Benedict Cumberbatch, the actor who plays Holmes as if he popped out of the womb wearing a deerstalker hat and humiliating lesser mortals with his stiletto-sharp intellect. But if Cumberbatch is the Sun in the Sherlock universe, the nuclear fuel that illuminates him is generated by the show’s equally gifted creators, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

via BREAKING IN: Elementary, My Dear Screenwriter- 7 Things You Can Learn from “Sherlock” – Script Magazine.

Fascinating.. good tips for any wannabe or professional screenwriters…