Tag Archives: Personal Observations

Reflections: NewsLib and News Librarians on 9/11.. Archives at Internet Archive

By Michael McCulley aka DrWeb, Retired Librarian

Screenshot, Archive

The above screenshot shows the “September 11th Resources” page, archived on the Internet Archive at the Source 1 link below. “This page is a collection of resources related to the events of September 11, 2001, as complied by Jessica Baumgart, Jennifer Jack, and other contributors. Links will open in new windows.” It was last updated 06/19/06 by Amy Disch. Some of the links may be broken or not archived separately, but the citations should be enough for researchers to find the materials.

It includes this information:

The Buildings and Rebuilding
Changes in America since 9/11
Charities and Organizations Established for 9/11
Economic Information
Graphics, Images, and Maps
News Packages
Reports and Evaluations
Web Sites with More Sources

Source 1: https://web.archive.org/web/20100205043026/http://www.ibiblio.org/slanews/internet/911/

Screenshot, Archive

The above screenshot shows the “The Park Library” page, archived on the Internet Archive at the Source 2 link below.

Sept. 11, 2001: NewsLib research queries following
World Trade Center & Pentagon Attacks

The table shows a breakdown of the various queries by topic as researched by NewsLib librarians and members on 9/11/2001.

Likely, not updated since 2003. Some of the links may be broken or not archived separately, but the citations should be enough for researchers to find the materials. You can see the wide of range of information being sought, and the Query/Response portion shows the actual information provided. These query and responses were processed via the email list for the News Division of Special Libraries Association (SLA); though the list still exists, the News Division sadly is no longer a part of SLA.

There are a total of 60 queries and often multiple responses.

Editor’s Notes: Just days before 9/11, I had just been hired by San Diego Public Library to a position as Librarian II, and would start as Training Librarian. I was not working yet, still doing paperwork and processing by the City of San Diego Human Resources: badge, fingerprints, photographed (so I could be identified in an emergency).

I was living in San Diego at the time, and had my laptop computer, and Internet connectivity that morning/day on 9/11. You’ll see me responding in the responses, along with many others, over 20 times. My library colleagues, Shirley Kennedy and Gary Price, were also prominent in the responses.

Total NewsLib members, 2001: 1,352
Total International NewsLib members, 2001: 147

Source 2: https://web.archive.org/web/20040308132529/http://parklibrary.jomc.unc.edu/NWSworldtradecenter.html