Tag Archives: Holidays

Christmas | holiday | Britannica.com

Mythical? Santa Claus is *not* real???

Nativity image
Nativity: fresco by Giotto The Nativity, fresco by Giotto, c. 1305–06, depicting the birth of Jesus; in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy. SuperStock

“Christmas has also been a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike, devoid of Christian elements, and marked by an increasingly elaborate exchange of gifts. In this secular Christmas celebration, a mythical figure named Santa Claus plays the pivotal role.”

Source: Christmas | holiday | Britannica.com

Friday Reads: 10 Classic Christmas Stories | JSTOR Daily

Editor’s note: If you follow the link, the stories are all open-access from JSTOR, and there for your pleasure and reading.. Happy Holidays!

via JSTOR Early Journal Content, Cosmopolitan Art Journal
via JSTOR Early Journal Content, Cosmopolitan Art Journal

Source: Friday Reads: 10 Classic Christmas Stories | JSTOR Daily

‘Christmas Days’ Is A Feast Of Stories — And Food : NPR

“I mean, we think we’re cynical and we’ve seen it all, we’re living in a post-truth world and we can’t trust anyone, it’s just all spin. But our hearts aren’t that much different. We hope for love, we hope to receive love, we hope to give love. – Jeanette Winterson”

Source: ‘Christmas Days’ Is A Feast Of Stories — And Food : NPR

Garrison Keillor: You don’t have to believe to believe in Christmas – TwinCities.com

Garrison Keillor (Pioneer Press: Scott Takushi)

So here it is Christmas again, and old man that I am, with so many of them to remember, I love it with much of my heart. I grew up in a home where management was sharply divided — mother adored it, father harrumphed and rolled his eyes — so I know both sides.

Source: Garrison Keillor: You don’t have to believe to believe in Christmas – TwinCities.com

The Modern Invention of Thanksgiving | JSTOR Daily

When you think of the history of Thanksgiving, you’d be hard-pressed not to picture funny Pilgrim hats and stereotyped Native Americans. These days, most of us know that the sanitized story we learned in grade school bears little resemblance to the real history of the Plymouth colony. But it might still come as a surprise to hear that, as Anne Blue Wills argues in a 2003 article in Church History, Thanksgiving as we know it was deliberately invented in the 19th Century.

Source: The Modern Invention of Thanksgiving | JSTOR Daily