Category Archives: Religion & Spirit

Religion & Spirit

Television Networks Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 – Variety

By Selome Hailu,

Sep 3, 2021 4:41pm PT

Library of Congress/Carol M. Highsmith–Variety-e170a73/a-a1ptln

2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The nation has continued to process the terrorist event over the past two decades in many ways, including through television specials, documentaries and dramatized retellings.

On and before the anniversary, networks will air content unpacking the politics of the event, commemorating the victims, speaking with the survivors and more. Read a full list of 9/11 programming below. (More programming will be added to the list as networks announce titles.)

Twin Towers, Photo by Thomas Svensson on

Editor’s Note: Highly recommended, “9/11: One Day in America” (National Geographic and Hulu, currently streaming)

Source: Television Networks Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 – Variety

The 13 U.S. service members killed in the Kabul airport attack – The Washington Post

By Shawn BoburgMeagan FlynnAlex HortonEllen McCarthyDalvin BrownMaría Luisa PaúlRebecca Tan and Jose A. Del Real, Today at 1:27 p.m. EDT

A flag flies at half-staff at Miramar National Cemetery on Friday in San Diego after more than 170 people and 13 U.S. service members were killed in a terrorist attack outside of the airport in Kabul. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

The U.S. toll from Thursday’s terrorist attack in Afghanistan has come into sharper focus with the Department of Defense confirming on Saturday the identities of all 13 U.S. service members who were killed.

A suicide bomber detonated explosives at a Kabul airport gate where U.S. troops were searching evacuees rushing to depart the country.

At least 18 other troops were wounded in the bombing that killed at least 170 people and the 13 U.S. service members. The attack was the single deadliest enemy strike against U.S. forces in Afghanistan since August 2011, when militants shot down a Chinook helicopter, killing 30 U. S. troops on board.

…Names below…

  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyo.
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of Wentzville, Mo.
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Tex.
  • Navy Hospital Corpsman Max Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, Calif.
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, Calif.
  • Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, 31, of Utah
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, of Omaha
  • Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, of Knoxville, Tenn.
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Mass.
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Ind.
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23, of Roseville, Calif.
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.

Editor’s Note: Read more, see link below for original item…

Source: The 13 U.S. service members killed in the Kabul airport attack – The Washington Post

Science quietly wins one of the right’s longstanding culture wars |

A new survey reveals a resounding victory for advocates of evolution and a setback for purveyors of pseudoscience

By Matthew Rozsa, Published August 24, 2021 6:23PM (EDT)

Human Evolution Illustration (Getty Images/Man_Half-tube)

The bitter culture wars over the teaching of evolution in public schools dominated headlines throughout the 2000s, in large part because of the Bush administration’s coziness with evangelicals who rejected the science on evolution.

Yet flash forward to 2021 — when the acrimonious battle over science has shifted from evolution to pandemic public health — and few youngsters are apt to have any idea what “intelligent design” even means.

Curiously, despite the right seizing on face mask science and immunology as new battlegrounds in the culture war, the fight over evolution is all but forgotten. In fact, for many Americans, it is completely forgotten.

Though it might seem hard to believe, Americans are more scientifically literate than ever in 2021 — so much so that creationism has become a minority opinion. And Americans are likewise been able to identify intelligent design and other forms of creationism as the inherently religious theories that they are.

Source: Science quietly wins one of the right’s longstanding culture wars |

How the ‘Culture War’ Could Break Democracy – POLITICO

Thirty years ago, sociologist James Davison Hunter popularized the concept of culture war. Today, he sees a culture war that’s gotten worse—and that spells trouble for the future of the American experiment.

By ZACK STANTON, 05/20/2021 05:30 PM EDT

POLITICO illustration; Photos: Getty; AP

In 1991, with America gripped by a struggle between an increasingly liberal secular society that pushed for change and a conservative opposition that rooted its worldview in divine scripture, James Davison Hunter wrote a book and titled it with a phrase for what he saw playing out in America’s fights over abortion, gay rights, religion in public schools and the like: “Culture Wars.”

Hunter, a 30-something sociologist at the University of Virginia, didn’t invent the term, but his book vaulted it into the public conversation, and within a few years it was being used as shorthand for cultural flashpoints with political ramifications.

He hoped that by calling attention to the dynamic, he’d help America “come to terms with the unfolding conflict” and, perhaps, defuse some of the tensions he saw bubbling.

Source: How the ‘Culture War’ Could Break Democracy – POLITICO

The Wolf Song | Video

The Wolf Song, from Youtube…

THE WOLF SONG – Nordic Lullaby – Vargsången

28,596,471 views | Mar 2, 202 | Sweden

Jonna Jinton, 3.57M subscribers

This is my version of the lullaby from “Ronja Rövardotter / Ronia the robbers daugther” written by our most loved Swedish writer, Astrid Lindgren , whose books have been read for children all over the world.

This song from the movie has always been very dear to me, especially as I was a child. But still now, as an adult, I feel so much for this song. For a long time now I wanted to make my own version of it, and make some small changes in the melody. What do you think? 🙂

I really hope you will enjoy my version of this song! The Swedish lyrics and translation can be found both further down here in the description, or in the subtitles of the video.

From creator’s notes, YouTube…


Best Books on Grief: In Time of Loss, Go to the Literature | Book Riot

From article…

Minerva Laveaga Luna, Mar 19, 2021

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When I was young, I would hear people say one of the worst pains a human could experience was childbirth. I think of the hours of labor before my son was born and conclude that the pain of grief is worse.

When I was experiencing contractions, I could point to a part of my body and say, “Here. Take the pain away from here.” The anesthesiologist showed up on the 20th hour (I was trying to go without an epidural but didn’t make it).

The medicine went in, and the pain was gone, for the most part.

There is no place to point at with grief. It is an ache that drenches you completely, makes your limbs and your head heavy, too heavy to carry.

And the sting of grief does not end; it sleeps, gets quiet enough to forget about it from time to time, until it resurfaces with a song, an intersection, a park, a dream, or a corner of your house you forgot to look at with eyes from the past.
