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Looking Where to Work Remotely? Libraries Could Be Your New Haven | Insider

By Angie Schmitt, Jun 13, 2022, 4:04 AM

Remote workers are missing office life, and local libraries are perfectly poised to offer a solution.
Marianne Ayala/Insider

I am a work-from-home veteran. Over the past 12 years of using my house as my base of operations, there are a few things I’ve learned that are really helpful.

Among the most important is a coffee shop I can walk to — sometimes you just need a snack and contact with human beings. These little out-of-home amenities are crucial to surviving as an out-of-office worker.

Lately though, I’ve noticed that my neighborhood is not set up to accommodate a massive increase in remote workers. For example, there is no smaller printing shop within walking distance — I have to make the three-mile trip to the print shop at a nearby Office Max. This is just one example of a growing problem: As the epicenter of white-collar work shifts away from the downtown office, cities need to catch up to the new class of remote workers who are now camped out in suburban neighborhoods.

And in my opinion, it’s the prime opportunity to elevate the humble neighborhood branch library.

Editor’s Note: Read more, see link below for original item…

Source: Looking Where to Work Remotely? Libraries Could Be Your New Haven